Employ The Rain
Custom Rain Barrels, Installation & Service
- Recycle an estimated 1,300 gallons of rain water annually
- Use free water to clean tools, boots, dogs and top off the pool
- Plants flourish with "soft Water"
- Chlorine, lime and calcium free water
- Easily attach an irrigation hose for worry free watering
- Reduce polluted water runoff to local waterways
- Reduce public water consumption
- Neighbors will envy your environmental sustainability efforts
- Custom colors to match your house, shed or accent your garden
Featured Articles:
Lot-level approaches to stormwater management are gaining ground
By Mary Catherine Hager
"Another major LID component common in residential development is the rain barrel, designed to retain stormwater that washes off rooftops. Unlike in rain gardens, water retained in a rain barrel can be reused for watering lawns, gardens, or trees. RiverSides Stewardship Alliance recommends that every house have at least two rain barrels, with a minimum storage capacity of 1 m3 (1,000 lit.). "Overall we're looking at capturing, at a minimum, the five-year storm, as much of what comes off a roof as possible." Mercer explains that rain barrels serve multiple purposes, one being to attenuate first flush off the roof, a "triple whammy" of high volume, thermal load, and contaminants. Each rain barrel installation is coupled with a soak-away pit or dry well that consists of granular material covered with a grate that infiltrates rain barrel overflow into the groundwater table. Each installation not only prevents storm flow and provides water efficiency but also acts to recharge captured rainfall into the soil." Read the full article
Rain barrels are a safe, inexpensive water source
Friday, June 5, 2009
Question: You need to settle a bet. Is rainwater better for plants than water from the tap? I want to set up a rain barrel, but my husband isn't sure it's really worth the time and cost. If we do get one, what do we need to know first?
Answer: Even though rain does contain some contaminants, largely as a result of industrial activities, it is indeed the best water source for our gardens. Watering plants with rainwater, and not tap water, has several benefits: it boosts populations of beneficial soil microbes (which can be harmed by chlorine) and it prevents excessive salt buildup in the soil. Rainwater is the right pH and, if stored properly, it is clean and readily available for use. The other good news: rainwater is free. Read More